
our latest staging - sunshine terrace in studio city

Happy to share with you our latest staging project — a super chic family home in Studio City. Located just above Ventura Blvd. on Sunshine Terrace, this two-bedroom, two-bath, 1,300 square foot home has “Modern Family” written all over it. In fact, the TV show Modern Family was the inspiration for our design. That, and a Picasso print with the most lovely shades of red, deep blue and warm tan.

The living room is large enough for two distinct seating areas, which we defined as 1) the more formal side in front of the fireplace, and 2) the informal, family-room side. Both sides came together thanks to scoring some fab rugs, sofas and chairs. The art throughout the home is modern, abstract and highly colorful.

The master bedroom is a little nautical in feeling, and the second bedroom is perfect for a young Anthropologie-phile. We kept the dining room simple, with modern white leather chairs, a light maple table with slightly transitional lines and a huge manzanita branch which practically glows centered under the skylight. A corner in the dining room houses a white chair and Chinese garden drum, along with Moorish-tile pattern art in fresh navy and white. We had fun designing the bright, sunny office with simple furnishings and art. Note the animals-in-pairs theme.

Both bathrooms were treated to a zen-spa-like treatment — a Madison Modern Home style signature!

Robin DeCapuaComment